Sunday, March 31, 2013

Beautiful Face: FACE DRY SKIN

Beautiful Face: FACE DRY SKIN: Tip 1: Should use scrubs to remove the dry scaly skin. Apply ½ tsp of Vitamin E oil with 2-3 drops of lime juice and ½ tsp of glyceri...


Should use scrubs to remove the dry scaly skin.

Apply ½ tsp of Vitamin E oil with 2-3 drops of lime juice and ½ tsp of glycerin.

Tip 2:
Apply a mixture of 1 tsp warm Olive oil with a few drops of glycerin and 2-3 drops of lime juice.

Tip 3:

1 tsp of milk cream with2-3 drops of lime juice mixed well. This should be applied 10 minutes before a bath. It reduces the dryness and also is good when applied in Winter.

Tip 4:

Plain, whole milk, applied and left on for 10 minutes and washed with cold water helps.

This should be done twice a day.

Beautiful Face: Your face looks back at you from the mirror

Beautiful Face: Your face looks back at you from the mirror: Tip 1: Take 1 tbsp of un-boiled milk, dip a small pad of cotton wool in this and rub on the face gently. Use circular movements, use ...

Your face looks back at you from the mirror

Take 1tbsp of un-boiled milk, dip a small pad of cotton wool in this and rub on the face gently. Use circular movements, use upward strokes on the neck area. Leave this on for 15 minutes. Wash with cold water.

Tip 2:

Take a thick slice of cucumber. Don't peel the slice, rub in a circular motion all over the face and neck areas. Wash after 15 minutes.

Tip 3:

Halve a tomato, gently rub over face and neck and wash after 15 minutes.

Tip 4:

Take the half of a lime peel, from which the juice has been extracted, rub this firmly on the face and the neck. Using a Scrub-(once in 3-4 days).

After washing off the milk or juice - take a tsp of oat bran or wheat husk or gram flour (besan). Make a paste with a few drops of water and rub the face and neck gently with this. This sloughs away the dead cells and gives the face a glow. Don't use soap, just splash on cold water that will act as an astringent and close the pores.

Tip 5:

Use green gram powder or rice flour mixed with curds instead.

Oily Skin: If the face is oily,

After a bath as a base for make-up use some diluted limejuice to dab on before application of foundation or any other make-up.

Tip 6:

Diluted buttermilk dabbed on the face and left for 15 minutes, gently wipe with moist cotton wool before applying make-up.

Tip 7:

Rub the face well with an ice cube.

Tip 8:

Slice an Apple into thin slices. Place these on the face and leave for 15 minutes. These soak up the extra oil and helps to close pores.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Beautiful Face: Finished.

Beautiful Face: Finished.


Beautiful Face: You can put some plain vaseline appear longer.

Beautiful Face: You can put some plain vaseline appear longer.

You can put some plain vaseline appear longer.

Beautiful Face: Don't use orange-like, pinkish foundation if you h...

Beautiful Face: Don't use orange-like, pinkish foundation if you h...

Don't use orange-like, pinkish foundation if you have fair skin, this will give a plastic effect.

Beautiful Face: Repeat on the other eye.

Beautiful Face: Repeat on the other eye.

Repeat on the other eye.

Beautiful Face: Blend the colors so that they transition nicely, a...

Beautiful Face: Blend the colors so that they transition nicely, a...

Blend the colors so that they transition nicely, and make sure your mascara isn't clumpy.

Beautiful Face: Open your eye and line your upper lid with eyeline...

Beautiful Face: Open your eye and line your upper lid with eyeline...

Open your eye and line your upper lid with eyeliner

Beautiful Face: How to Apply Eye Makeup on Fair Skin

Beautiful Face: How to Apply Eye Makeup on Fair Skin

How to Apply Eye Makeup on Fair Skin

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