Friday, April 5, 2013

Hair loss

                                                                           Hair loss:

Methi is extremely effective in strengthening hair from the roots and treating follicular problems. The seeds contain hormone antecedents that enhance hair growth and help in rebuilding hair follicles. The herb also contain proteins and nicotinic acid; protein enriched diets have always been encouraged to diminish hair loss and stimulate hair growth. High concentration of protein in fenugreek partially explains the herb’s curative ability on balding hair. The lecithin in methi helps in strengthening dry and damaged hair. The natural tonic helps in moisturising the hair and bringing back the lustre and bounce.(image 3)
treating follicular problems Method of application:
There are different ways of application:
a. Soak methi in water for some time and make a paste. Apply coconut oil to the hair first, and then apply the paste on your scalp. For best results, allow the hair to absorb the mask for at least an hour before washing it.
b. You can also mix powdered methi seeds with coconut oil to form a paste. Then massage the paste on your hair. You will notice the positive results within 2 to 3 weeks of application.
Paste of methi seeds mixed with coconut milk helps prevent hair loss, reduces dandruff and promotes hair growth.

2. Dandruff:

There are various treatments and procedures to treat dandruff and one of the most basic and and effective cure is using methi seeds. It is also effective against dry scalp and dermatitis.  (image 5)
Method of application:

There are different ways of doing this:

a. Take 2 tablespoons of methi seeds and soak them in water overnight. By morning the seeds will soften, ground them in fine paste. Apply the paste on your scalp and leave it for half an hour.
b. Soak the methi seeds overnight, make a paste and apply it with curd. Rinse well with water after an hour. This prevents dandruff and other scalp irritations.
c. Another treatment involves crushing one table spoon of methi seeds and mixing it with warm oil. After the mixture cools down, apply it on your scalp and leave it for 2 hours.  Shampoo your hair thoroughly to remove all traces of the paste.
d. Make a paste using methi powder and water and apply the paste directly on the scalp and wash after half an hour. People with severe dandruff problem can leave the paste for an hour before rinsing.
e. Make a paste of ground methi seeds mixed with cider vinegar. Leave it for not more than 30 minutes.  This mask is good for treating dandruff and dry itchy scalp. (image 4)

3. Conditioning:

Fenugreek seeds contain lecithin, an emulsifying substance. When soaked in water, the seeds produce a slippery substance which gives hair shine. This quality makes fenugreek a great ingredient for hair conditioning. Other natural conditioners like curd and oil do not give the slippery effect to the hair as methi does. The mucilage of fenugreek replicates that slippery effect.
Method of application:
a. Soak the whole ground seeds in boiling water and leave them overnight. When the seeds turn slimy to touch, grind them into a paste and apply the mixture on your scalp and roots, then to the whole length of the hair. Do not let the paste dry completely as it will be difficult to wash off then. Wash it when it is moist. Covering the hair with a plastic bag will keep it moist for a long time. Let it remain for 30 minutes and wash it off.
b. Mixing ground fenugreek seeds or leaves with shoe flower will condition your hair and cool the scalp
c. You can also make an herbal tonic using methi seeds. Boil methi seeds and let them soak completely in coconut oil overnight. Strain the oil and massage this oil thrice a week to get shiny lustrous hair. It will even help to reduce hair fall to a great extent.

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