Friday, April 5, 2013

10 Ways To Protect Your Hair From The Summer Sun

10 Ways To Protect Your Hair From The Summer Sun

protect hair from summer The summer sun is already starting to beat down in many parts of India, and you are readying yourself to face the heat. While your sun-screens and sun-shades and hats are all set, what are you doing for your hair this summer?
Nothing? Well, that is certainly not great news for your crowning glory!
Your hair gets harmed in many different ways during summers – over exposure to sun’s harmful rays, sweat, and humidity and of course, spending too much time in a swimming pool aka chlorinated water. While all of these are reasons enough to lead to a bad hair day and cause long-term damage, a little pre-emptive care is all your hair needs to stay beautiful!
While you reach out for all products that work wonders on your hair, remember to check out a few things first:
  1. Scalp type – oily, dry, dandruff, itchy, combination or any other medical condition
  2. Hair type – straight, curly, wavy, coloured, treated, permed, straightened or any other

1. Avoid Too Many Cosmetics:

hair care tips during summer Summers already dries your hair out and causes damage to them. So make sure you go easy on any chemical hair treatments during this period. Avoid too much colouring, whether at the spa or at home. If you really want to colour your hair or change the colour during summer, try and do it a month or two before the sun really hits.

2. Love Your Conditioner:

hair care tips for summer While the sun is drying out your hair, make sure you help restore some moisture and life in it by using a rinse-out conditioner. Get one that suits your hair type and texture. Also, if you are going for a swim, remember to put on a leave-in conditioner to your hair and wear a hair mask.

3. Shampoo With Care:

how to protect hair from summer heat While you feel like shampooing your hair every day, doing so will actually cause more harm than good. Too much shampoo can dry up your scalp and hair even more. If you tend to sweat more on the scalp and if your hair gets greasy and sweaty easily, go for a mild shampoo that is especially good for summers. Shampoo only on the scalp, not the hair, and as you wash your hair, the suds will rinse down, cleaning up your hair too. Putting shampoo separately on your hair and hair tips will dry them out.

4. Swimming:

swimming tumblr In summers, you absolutely love to hit the pool, right? If you’re going swimming, remember DO NOT shampoo before you go for a swim, as this will rob your hair of all protective oils and will make it extra vulnerable to the chemicals and salt in the water. Once you’re out of the pool and have taken a quick shower, use a shampoo that contains ethylene tetra-acetic acid. This will remove any harmful effects of chlorine that the water may have.
5. Avoid Heat:
marilyn monroe gentlemen prefer blondes The sun is already putting too much heat on your hair, so avoid the additional heat as much as you can. Go slow on the blow dryer, and if required, wash your hair half an hour earlier so that they get ample time to air-dry. Avoid using the styling iron and curlers and let them be as natural as they can be.

6. Trim Them:

hair ends The tips of your hair takes a lot of beating during the summer. This is when you see split ends and dry tips, and this is neither healthy for your hair, nor do they look good. Summer is the ideal time to give yourself a new haircut, but if you don’t really want to shorten your hair, go for a small trim that will take care of the ends and bring back life to your hair.

7. Care For Your Colour:

If you have recently coloured your hair, or have coloured hair, you would want to take extra care of them in the summers, as this is the season when they sustain maximum damage, leading to colour fading and excessive hair dryness. While selecting hair care products, go for ones that are specially made for coloured or treated hair. If you have recently coloured your hair, try going out less often in the sun, especially when it’s at its peak. If you absolutely need to, try covering your hair with a hat or a scarf.

8. Sun Protection:

protector solar para el cabello
If you have too much work outdoors and are in the sun often, try going for hair products that have a good amount of SPF in them. You may also want to go for a special hair-mask or sun-screen product that is made for your hair.

9. Control Frizz:

ponytail lace The summer heat makes your hair extra dry, making it frizzy. Try and control your hair from becoming too frizzy by tying it up. Use the hot months to show off your hair in different styles, from braids to ponytails to updos, knots and buns. Not only does it keep your hair protected from frizz, it also reduces the sweating.

10. Lots Of Fluids:

cucumber water While you may be doing all of the above to protect your hair from the sun, if you’re not drinking enough water, you’re not going to achieve anything. Your hair, and your skin, will benefit immensely from the amount of water and extra fluids that you have, so go for cooling liquids that will help keep your hair healthy and let you feel cooler. Also include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as you can.

Simple DIY Hair Care Masks:

A. Egg and Mayo mask to care for dry and damaged hair
Simple DIY Hair Care Masks 1. 1/4th cup plain yoghurt
2. 1/4th cup mayonnaise
3. 1 egg white
4. Blend all the 3 ingredients together
5. Cover your hair with the mixture and spread it evenly by running a wide-toothed comb through your hair
6. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse off with plain water
B. Deep Conditioning mask to bring back moisture and shine
mayonnaise mask 1. 1 cup mayonnaise (room temperature)
2. ½ cup olive oil
3. 3 egg yolks
4. Mix everything in a bowl and apply to your hair, especially the ends.
5. If you can, wrap your hair in a towel and leave on for about 20 minutes.
6. Rinse out using plain water
There now you know all about how to fight away the summer effects on your hair! Go out and have some fun now!

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